It has been a long journey but we're finally here. The Tin Roof Gallery had its grand opening last week October 15th and 16th and it was most definitely grand. It was 2 nights in which people from different backgrounds and walks of life came together creating a space full of love, support and inspiration. We celebrated with a beautifully diverse group of artists, vendors and performers. Thank you everyone who participated. It is a privilege to be able to be surrounded by so many strong inspiring women. Many of you really came through and put your best foot forward. You took steps out of their comfort zone, networked, shared their artistic vision/sound with the public and even made sales! I'm so proud because you guys really snatched success by it's baby hair! I hope only for the best for all involved.
Thanks everyone who has been part of the Tin Roof Gallery's journey (new and old) and for continuing to support it. Seriously your love and support mean the world to me and keeps me going. This is only the beginning and more great things to come.
If you missed our grand opening weekend you can still view our current exhibition We Get it Done: Femme Artist Group Exhibition Thursday-Saturday 1pm-6pm until November 4th, 2021.
Hope to see you all soon